Saturday, August 21, 2010

I hope people are still writing on here.  I am mostly writing to vent and get and give support.  Ive been dealing with pvc's for about 4 years but havent been too bad until Feb 2010.  Ive seen more docs and done more tests than normal people do in a lifetime.  Every test is normal (thats a relief) yet these pvc's linger.  I ended up in the hospita in April 2010 for 3 days with a full 48 hours of bigemy and trigemy.  It never let up.  I was placed on a beta blocker ( which has changed names and doses several times since being in the hosp). Im not sure if theywork or not.  I still get episodes, maybe they are lighter in feeling, but Im not really sure.  I have logged my episodes and determined that EVERY single episode has been a week to a week and a half before my period.  I have ruled out everything else (caffeine, stress, etc) .  I dont fall under the typical catergories for pvc causes.  I went to my GP to get a referral to see an endocrinologist only to be told that my pvc's and periods cant be related because Im on birthcontrol and Im not having "true" periods.  I dont care what you wanna call these periods, but they gotta be related somehow.  I did get the referral that Im still waiting to get, so Im eager to find out what they say.  For those of you who seem to have a relation between your pvc's and your periods, Im hoping to get some answers for all of us.  If anyone wants to email me my email is  God bless you all

1 comment:

  1. Hi There!

    My PVC's are very common when I ovulate and have my period. When I told the docs they were not convinced but I am for sure! I do get them other times too but it is very consistent during those times. I think there are so many things that trigger them, we are all different.
